Worship continues Sundays at 10:00 A.M. in the sanctuary. The worship service will continue to be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel which can be accessed through our website.
Adult Forum
Join Pastor Mark in Discussing the Sermon and other Lectionary Text on August 29
Bible Study
Join the men’s Wednesday morning Bible study at 8:00 A.M. at the IHOP in Edgewater. There is also a Thursday Bible study in Crofton at Grumps Cafe at 7:00 A.M.
Book Club
The book club will reconvene in September of this year. Please plan to join us.
Orphan Grain Train (OGT) Update
OGT will be sending another cargo container to Liberia in September. This shipment will include 350 feminine hygiene kits with washable, reusable items to allow girls and young women to attend school during their menstrual cycles. Thanks to Annapolis Lutheran volunteers who helped cut out fabrics for the project at the Friday, July 16 service project. Your work is going to Liberia soon!
Funds for Flannel
Funds for FLANNEL! Since OGT has sent so many feminine hygiene kits overseas, some donated supplies have run out! OGT is completely out of soft flannel fabric necessary for these kits, one yard of 45” wide flannel per kit. If you can contribute clean, gently used flannel fabric or new flannel fabric (any color, any pattern), bag and label it “Flannel for OGT” and funds it in the Quilters’ Room (left of the foyer coffee set up in the Fellowship Hall). To provide funds, write “Flannel for OGT” on your check’s memo line, placing it in the offering plate on Sundays. All donations are greatly appreciated for OGT to continue this ministry. Questions? Contact Judy White, 410-757-1738, jafwhite@ comcast.net.
Church Beautification Day!
Please join us on Saturday, August 28th, at 8:30 AM. The Property and Garden Committees need your help with general landscape and property maintenance. With the church picnic nearing, this proposed clean-up will be timely. Kindly email either Arlene Oyler at arlenetoyler@gmail.com or Doug Oyler at daoyler2019@gmail.com if you are available to help.
Sunday School
Our Sunday school ministry returns in full on September 12. We will also commission our teachers. Youth Sunday school will return on September 19. Please mark your calendars.
Youth Activities Youth Group Meeting will be on the third and fourth Sunday on September 19 and 26. Annual Picnic Mark your calendars for September 26. Plan to stay after worship for our annual church picnic with food, games, and fellowship. The fellowship hall bulletin board has a sign-up sheet to bring food or help with set up and tear down. New Member Sunday Interested in joining our congregation and becoming a member? Please contact Pastor Mark Metze at (pastormarkmetze@gmail.com) or call the church office at 443-837-6436. We are welcoming new members on September 26. Youth Director Office Hours JaNeise will be in her office on Fridays from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. for any assistance or concerns starting Friday August 27. Ministry Opportunities Nursery, please contact Karen Schrader at sparky9144@verizon.net Ushers, please contact Suzanne Smith at sc_smith@mac.com Acolytes sign up on Signup Genius at www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054babac2fa2ff2-acolytes The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and ☩ give you peace. Amen. Pastor Mark Metze